Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Yucky Fever



Yesterday Ava had a slight fever on and off and I chalked it up to teething since she has just about all her back teeth coming in.  However, last night her fever spiked to 104!  She has been active and eating okay.  She mainly wants to eat dry cereal and drink gatorade.  She has not thrown up or had any stomach issues.  I decided to take her to the doctor today so they could check her ears and so forth.  Her ears as usual looked awesome she has only had one ear infection so far.  They did a strep test because the doctor said her throat looked very red, swollen, and yucky.  It came back negative but they are going to let it sit overnight.  Right now they say it's probably a little virus.  What fun we are having on spring break!  I don't know what to feel.  Sometimes I just want to cry and then I get mad and upset I just hate that she is sick on spring break.  I wanted to spend time playing going to the park, maybe cincinnati and all I can do is hold her, rock her and watch movies.  I do feel a little selfish, I slipped out of the house today to get a pedicure while Bert did the constant nurturing for our sick little girl.  When the motrin kicks in Ava is a happy camper she is happy and satisfied playing with her kitchen.  When the motrin wears out she is miserable and very cranky, who can blame her?  I am praying tonight goes alot smoother than last night.  Ava got up screaming around 4:00a.m.  After her meds kicked in she wanted to sit in her car then play with her kitchen.  Bert and I both stayed up with her until around 6:00 before she went back to bed.  I was a nut case cleaning the house at 4:30 in the morning.  I do not want to get this little virus so I am constantly disinfecting everything.  I already feel a headache coming on but I tend to let things get to my head.

In other news Ava has moved out of her crib and old room,  She loves her new room and new big girl "twin bed."  She has made the transition very well! 

As far as my pregnancy goes I feel and look like I could go into labor any day.  I am huge.  At this time when I was pregnant with Ava she weighed 5lbs.  I will probably have an ultra sound some time in late April and I can bet he will weigh about 6 1/2 lbs.  I passed my three hour glucose test, and I was very excited to hear this!  I am hoping he does not weigh more than 9lbs,9ounces because this is what Ava weighed and I could barely handle carrying her towards the end plus I didn't get any stretch marks! 















1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing you're in for another large baby!  The good news is that you have your experience with Ava under your belt, so it can only be even better.  And as far as stretch marks go, you can thank your mother- they have nothing to do with weight gain, just good ole genetics.
