Sunday, September 20, 2009

Three Months



Mr. Alex was three months old yesterday.  We didn't do anything special really.  Ava, Alex, and I stayed home all day while Daddy went to the big UofL UofK game.  I am pretty much a Uof L fan and even though they lost I was happy with the way they played.  It looks like UofL will be decent this year.  I'm glad Bert got to go to the game even though I was a little miffed I was unable to go.  Sometimes I hate how I am automatically picked to be the one to stay home with the kids while my husband gets to go to all the events.  Like I said it's only sometimes.  I am over it now.  When Bert came home we decided to order a pizza and rent a movie.  Ava chose "Spirit, stallion of the cimarron."  I love Disney movies but they tend to be a little violent and sad.  Ava was upset when they captured spirit so I had to fastforward it a little bit, as I have to do with most Disney movies.




Alex is doing wonderful.  He is an OUTSTANDING baby.  He is so sweet and precious, and best of all he is content with just hanging out.  He gets up once during the night, and occasionally he'll get up twice but never before 3:00a.m.  He has great head control, loves to kick and squirm around, and loves to be talked and sang to.  His smile and laugh are priceless.



I have purchased a few things for his Baptism and Ava's 2nd Birthday.  I am getting very excited for both these events. I still have my Anniversary and Halloween to get through first.







1 comment:

  1. Wow- sounds like Alex is a great baby!  I need the "once per night and never before 3 am" schedule- right now, I have a 1 am feeding (in addition to the 3 am feeding) which does me in since I only sleep for about an hour beforehand.  Any tips?  Also, do you lay Alex down on his stomach or has he started rolling over?  I'm contemplating the change in positions if it will help Sophia sleep longer.  
