This weekend was pretty laid back, we took it easy at home and ran our usual weekend errands such as going to the grocery. We also made a stop at Target, Home Depot, Big Lots, and Taco Bueno for a quick Sunday dinner. I thought Taco Bueno would be a little different, but it was a small step up from Taco Bell, and I hate Taco Bell there food is so nasty. Overall, the food was not that bad. Speaking of food until recently I have been eating up a storm. I was sick Wed, Thurs, and Friday. I had a checkup on the 19th, and lets just say I have started to put on some weight to put it mildly. Hopefully the weight gain will slow down, and I think it will because my hunger comes and goes now and it is not so constant as it was the past couple of weeks. I would like to say for the most part I have been eating healthy, and I plan on continuing this. I think it's crazy that some people gain 60lbs or more when they are pregnant. I don't consider pregnancy a reason to go nuts and eat anything and everything you see. I am also keeping in mind whatever I gain I plan on loosing plus more. I am looking forward to having a baby in the early summer. With Ava it was hard to go on walks or exercise outside because it was so cold. Anyway, the reason we went shopping at all those stores was to get some prices on paint , a mattress, and other odds and ends so we can finish our basement, and Ava's new bedroom!!
We would really like to go somewhere for springbreak but we really can't decide on anything. We want to go for a long weekend somewhere. We have been to the Newport Aquarium already, and Cincinnati. We contimplated going to Chattanooga, TN. It's actually a really cute city with a great aquarium, children' s science museum, mountains, caves, railroad rides, and great shopping! Who knows what we will do, it would probably be smart to just stay home and work on the house but I am really ready to get out of Louisville for a little bit. I would love to go to the beach but we would have to go really far south in Florida for it to be warm and it's not worth the drive for a long weekend. We probably won't be doing any beach vacations until next year.
We are getting really close to agreeeing on a name for our baby!! We talked about it all day long. I think Ava enjoys running around from store to store she really seems to cope with everything so well. Bert and I will be in deep conversation in the car and we will stop to look back at her and she will just give us her sweet little smile. She really is the best I love her to pieces. Tonight Bert had to build something out of can goods for Dare to Care, so it was just Ava and I. I decided to try on some of the dresses my Mom bought her for the Spring/Summer. They are so cute, one of them came with a bonnet and she looked hilarious in it. I can't believe she didn't try to take the bonnet off her head.