Friday, September 25, 2009




Yesterday was my day to have the lesson for five kids under 3!!!!!!!!  Well, really just three kids.  We started our little lesson with a short circle time that included, learning about the letter B.  We practiced making the B sound and looked in my "secret bag" full of things that started with the letter B.  Next, we read a story appropriately titled "Beauty and the Beast."  For our movement activity we turned on some Disney dance music and let them have a balloon dance party.  It was a pretty successful day.  I think Leo got the most out of it, which he should he is the oldest.  I enjoyed myself as well.  I'm so glad my sister thought of this great idea to go over to one another's house for fun activities.
















Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Where Will My Angels Go?



Bert and I have been debating this since the day Ava was born.  Where do we want our children to go to school?  It is a huge decision.  Public school is out of the question so we have a long list of Catholic schools to choose from.  Our Lady of Lourdes is at the top of our list because we want to live in St. Matthews eventually.  When I say eventually I have no idea how long this will be.  Right now we would be paying double to live in St. Matthews, yes I said DOUBLE for the same square footage we have now.  Bert and I are just going to have to get over it, if we decide it's what we really want, no more complaining.  We have also thought about St. Martha which is practically right down the street. However, I do not care for their pre-k.  I have checked out the teacher and her lesson plans, and I don't agree with them.  We have also toyed with the idea of moving out to Middletown and possibly going to my alma mater, St. Aloysius.  We will be spending our anniversary (October 21st) looking at all these schools.  All the Catholic schools plan on having their open house on the same day.  Money is not our concern, I feel passionatley about sending our children to Catholic school so we will make it work somehow, just like we did when we decided I would stay home.  I never think about the money we could be saving.  What is more important than my children's education? certainly not toys, clothes, or vacations. We are willing to have less of these things, and I think my kids will thank me for it later.  I don't understand parents these days that say "well I don't want to force religion and certain beliefs down them."  I feel like that is a stupid excuse, and very lame. It just seems like it's the thing to say these days.  As soon as I here it I feel like saying "you are lazy"  but I don't. So what do you do?  Teach your kids nothing?  Teach them to figure out things on their own with little or no guidance?  I feel that you should teach your children important morals and values.  Give them a strong belief in something and they will have a sense of belonging and faith, and HELLO then they can choose for themselves what kind of person they want to be.  Anyways, we have a large decision to make, and I'm sure we will pick the right school sooner rather than later.  Miss Ava will be going to preschool next year for a couple days a week so this is why we have got the ball rolling!




Sunday, September 20, 2009

Three Months



Mr. Alex was three months old yesterday.  We didn't do anything special really.  Ava, Alex, and I stayed home all day while Daddy went to the big UofL UofK game.  I am pretty much a Uof L fan and even though they lost I was happy with the way they played.  It looks like UofL will be decent this year.  I'm glad Bert got to go to the game even though I was a little miffed I was unable to go.  Sometimes I hate how I am automatically picked to be the one to stay home with the kids while my husband gets to go to all the events.  Like I said it's only sometimes.  I am over it now.  When Bert came home we decided to order a pizza and rent a movie.  Ava chose "Spirit, stallion of the cimarron."  I love Disney movies but they tend to be a little violent and sad.  Ava was upset when they captured spirit so I had to fastforward it a little bit, as I have to do with most Disney movies.




Alex is doing wonderful.  He is an OUTSTANDING baby.  He is so sweet and precious, and best of all he is content with just hanging out.  He gets up once during the night, and occasionally he'll get up twice but never before 3:00a.m.  He has great head control, loves to kick and squirm around, and loves to be talked and sang to.  His smile and laugh are priceless.



I have purchased a few things for his Baptism and Ava's 2nd Birthday.  I am getting very excited for both these events. I still have my Anniversary and Halloween to get through first.







Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cookie Cutters



No, I am not talking about the infamous kids hair salon, I am talking about cookie cutter fun at my house today.  I asked my sister the night before if she would like to come over and make some cookies.  I bought a huge container of animal cookie cutters.  Not only did she say yes, she had a great idea.  On Mondays the Hughes clan will go to her house for a fun activity, and Thursdays she and her gang will come over to my house for a planned activity.  With Ava's speech on Wed our weeks will l be flying by. I feel like they do already.  I tell Bert all the time, I don't know where the time goes.  I look up at the clock thinking it's still morning and it's 2:00.  My husband assures me it's because I enjoy what I do, and he is right!  I love love love staying home with my kids.  They make me smile every day,  There are days when I want to pull a few hairs out, but nothing that ever makes me think I want to go back to work.  I am however, thinking about going back to school, for what degree I don't know.  I just know I want to go back to work when my youngest is in preschool, and I want to be happy and successful, and get off in time to be home when my kids get out of school.  That's all I know.  Wish me luck on deciding what to major in.  Here are a few pictures of our fun cookie day!










Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Alex's well check and other coming events



Yesterday we ventured out of the house after a successful speech therapy lesson with Ms. Melissa to the Doctor's office for Alex's two month well check up.  Ava' s speech is progressing more everyday.  She can say, no, go, up, down, more, mom, dad, daisy(my parent's neighbors dog,) ball, and apple.  She is working on so many others and has almost got them.  Her speech therapist as well as me are trying to help her combine words, like up mom, come here, go ball, etc.  I am very proud of Ava she has come along way and I know will continue with her progress.  In addition to her speech therapist, I have continued to help Ava by making some games for her.  The games are file folder games with velcro, I used to make them for my classroom, and Ava loves them!


Okay back to my sweet Alex.  Alex weighs 11lbs,12oz, and is 23 1/2 inches long.  His head circumferene along with is height and weight are all in the 55%.  Ava was always in the 90%  so I got a little worried, but Doctor Church assured me he was growing beautifully, and encouraged me to continue breastfeading exclusively.  He also reminded me that Ava was born almost two pounds heavier, so I was relieved to know he was checking out just fine. 



In other news I finally completed Ava's baby  book, and have completed Alex's as much as I could.  I don't know why but I felt so good after this was done.  It's not like I have to turn them in for a grade, but that's how I felt.  It was nice to look back and see how Ava has grown.


I am getting very excited for Ava's birthday and Alex's Baptism.  I love planning parties.  It's been a challenge finding a date that works for everyone and actually we have to change the date again for Alex's baptism.  So many people are out of town these days.  I plan on cooking for Alex's baptism because it will be a smaller event.  I am working on making his tablecloth, just like I did for Ava.  Ava's party plans are coming along a little smoother.  We have settled on a horse theme.  She loves horses.  I took her to factory card outlet and we went up and down the aisles.  She said "no"  to all of them except the horses.  I was going to see if we could have pony rides at our house, but Bert shot that idea down and said that it was way too much.  I agree I guess.  I might try to rent a small inflatable.  I will be making the cake, wish me luck!  I am going to order a pan shaped like a horse online and attempt to decorate it.  I also have the option of making her party a pink cowgirl cartoony horse theme or more like real horses type theme.  I would choose the pink for sure, but I think Ava would enjoy the pictures on her plates and cups to look more like real horses.  I am thinking about this a little too in depth I know and a little early, but like I said I love parties, and want both of these upcoming events to be perfect!