Little miss Ava is 20 months old. She is not talking up a storm but she definitely has made some progress. Right now Ava says "no "alot, but she says it in a cute way so it's not so horrible. She also says ball and a few other short words. She makes all kinds of animal sounds when asked such as a lion, cow, dog, owl, monkey, rooster, and cat. She is also getting better at saying up and down when she wants to do either. Her speech therapy is sometimes painful for me. The speech therapist still comments on how short her attention span is. I don't think having speech at our house while very convenient is a good idea. Ava is free to roam our house and play as she pleases, so when the therapist comes and she has to stay in the family room for an hour I think she is confused. I can read about 3 books to ava before she wants to get down and do something else, as well as play with her, paint, bake, ect. for about 10 mins. Ava will also watch an hour long movie without getting up. I honestly think Ava doesn't like her speech therapist. I am going to keep sticking with it unless it really gets out of control and Ava starts crying or something when she comes, then I will look for someone else.
Ava's interest besides playing "mommy" are puzzles, books, baking, putting on my makeup, trying everyone's shoes on, riding in her stroller, and playing at the park!
Ava has become an excellent big sister, ALWAYS wanting to kiss and hold her little brother. When he gets up from his nap and cries Ava goes running to find him. She has been putting her baby doll in his car seat and swing and practices being a mommy, she is so sweet. Ava has also been an angel recently. I think she is really starting to grow up. She amazes me everyday in how big she is getting. Ava continues to eat very well. Her new favorite food is salad!
I love my little Ava so much I can't wait until she starts talking more. Sometimes it's hard to believe she will be two this November. I remember when we brought her home from the hospital like it was yesterday. I couldn't believe how fast she grew into her 12 month outfits, how fast she started crawling then walking, and now running and climbing everywhere. I think I will faint when she goes to preschool next year and just die when she goes to Kindergarten. Oh my god I am tearing up just thinking about her in a uniform.