Sunday, May 20, 2012

It's Time To Get Wet

The temp is in the upper 80's and looks like this week we will be in the 90's.  So this means it's time to get out the swimsuits and hit up the splash parks!  We went to the Zoo's splash park on Saturday and Bert and I promised each other we would never make that mistake again (WAY TOO CROWDED.)  Today my sister and her family came over with their big waterslide!  My kids played pretty much all day outside in the water.  We have been watching my parent's dogs all weekend and with all do respect we are ready for them to come home on Tuesday:)  Enjoy the pictures.


  1. LOVE these pictures!! I swear...I wish I could be more like you in the photo taking department. I feel like I always miss the photo ops! :)

    1. Thanks! Just take your camera with you everywhere you go, my kids are so use to the camera that now if I don't have it they ask why I'm not taking pictures of them!
