Wednesday, August 15, 2012

School year 2012

The first day of school went pretty well.  As I was walking up to the bench outside the school to pick up the kids I could see Alex was crying.  His teacher assured me everything was fine he had a great day, but struggled with transitions.  I expected this to happen, because it's his first year, he's young, and he cries when he is nervous.  I am so glad I decided to have treat buckets waiting for them in the car for their first day because it really cheered him up!  Ava as I expected was a chatter box and talked my ear off the entire car ride home. 
When we came home they were ready for lunch! They both had two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chips, two handfuls of grapes, and half a bag of baby carrots.  They wanted to swim for a little bit so we did in our handy blowup pool.  Alex grabbed his new book after swimming and put himself to bed for a little nap.  Later that evening they helped me make dinner, and we went out for a special yogurt treat.  Overall, it was a great day and they are once again sleeping peacefully:)  They both said they are excited to go to school again, so here's to a GREAT school year.
I must add that I myself enjoyed their first day of school, it was so great to get a break and get some things done on my to do list!

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