Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend



This weekend we went to lakeside and had so much fun.  Ava loved the pool.  It took her about ten mins to get used to the water, during this time she was clinging to my neck.  After she felt comfortable with everything she was crazy.  She tried to take off running a number of times in the water resulting in her dunking herself.  I had to keep pulling her up from under the water.  She is a crazy daredevil for sure, she really has no fear right now.  She is the same way when we play at the park.  She will go off the tallest slides, fall right off at the end, pick herself back up, and run to do it all over again.  I think alot of this comes with her age, most toddlers fear nothing.  I had a great time as well but I was a little uncomfortable with the whole bathing suit situation.  I think I looked ridiculous. I chose a bathing suit at Kmart for half off (I only need it a few times before the baby is born) I didn't want to spend alot on a maternity suit.  The bathing suit was for a older plus size woman and I chose this one to buy and wear!!!!!!!!  I thought I would not see anyone I knew but of course I did.  I saw lots of my kids parents that I teach, and my cousin Jimmy and his family.  YIKES, I am so ready to have Mr. Alex and get in shape.  I have been very active throughout my pregnancy with work, walking the mile at Seneca park, and occasionaly doing my Denise Austin pregnancy workout video, which Ava loves to join in and workout with me, so hopefully with me not working I can beg my Mom to come over and let me workout. 




We also did a little shopping this weekend at Target.  Ava likes to line up the toys she likes and then chooses one.  We never buy it for her though, we always say maybe Santa will bring it this year and we try to move on.  I love when my parents from school give me gift cards to Target, I just love that store.  I spent the gift card on an outfit for Ava, a big basket to put Ava's toys in, and sunless tanner for me!



Earlier this week I had an ultrasound and Alex looks very healthy weighing in at 6lbs, 7ounces.  Four weeks to go with him, I can hardly wait.  I think he looks like Ava, but most people I have showed this picture to thinks he doesn't.  My blood pressure was back to normal so we are all set for June 22nd.




Monday, May 18, 2009

18 month checkup

Ava's 18 month checkup was this morning and everything went well!  She weighs 26lbs( 75th percentile,) and is 32 inches tall ( 75th percentile.)  I had some questions and concerns and all were answered well.

1.  Should Ava be taking vitamins?  Answer: If you feel as if she is not eating well.  Me: Ava has a wonderful appetite and eats her veggies, still does not care for CAKE or ICE CREAM!  She eats dried fruit but not fresh fruit.  Overall, she eats very well I think so we will hold off on the vitamins until I think she really needs them.

2.  Ava's feet turn in, does she need to see a specialist?  Answer:  No, her feet will correct themselves, doctors do not prescribe corrective shoes or casts anymore.  Her feet are not severe and will correct themselves.  Me:  I figured this was the case but I just wanted to check with the doctor and am relieved to hear they are fine and that her hips look great!

3.  Ava is still not talking should I go ahead and call First Steps?  Answer:  Yes, she is behind if she does not have at least six words.  Some 18 month old children have 15-20 words and are starting to group words together.  Me:  Perfect this was all I needed to hear.  I am relieved we are getting her some help.  I have gone back and forth as of what I should do with Ava's speech.  Should I go ahead and call?  Should I give her more time?  Now I know and I have called.  I should hear something within 5 days to set up our first appointment.  The first appointment will be paperwork only.  The second appointment will be the evaluation.

I cannot express how happy I am just to get the ball rolling on this issue, it's been driving me crazy for quite some time.  I think Ava has trouble on a cognitive level.  She understands what you are saying but she can't seem to form the words and speak.  I know this frustrates her and makes her upset.

I don't wish anything on my kids but I'm glad that speech is where she is delayed and not something else.  When you get into occupational, behavior, social-emotional issues it's like a whole new ball game.  As a preschool teacher I have seen and had to deal with these issues before.  Speech is something that can be corrected fairly easy, and we are catching it very early.  I'm glad we are taking action now as opposed to her being 3 or 4.  Then we would be dealing with other issues as well because it would hold her back socially.  Well, I think you get where I am going.  I have a very positive outlook on miss Ava's speech and I really feel like everything will be just fine.  I am so excited that first steps comes to your home for all appointments.  With a new baby this will be so convenient!

In other news my doctor's appointment last week was a little surprising.  It seems my blood pressure is elevated(150/90.)  I always have low blood pressure so she is going to monitor me closely and possibly take the baby early(first week of June) if necessary.  Pre-clampsia is usually more common in your first pregnancy so who knows?  She had mentioned bed rest and I just about flipped out.  I could not sit in bed all day if you payed me.  Maybe one day, but not 4 weeks that is just ridiculous.  If the baby is taken the first week of June he will be born at 37 weeks, which I feel very comfortable about.  If it's the best thing for the baby I don't have a problem with it. I have been taking my blood pressure at home(actually at kroger) and it seems to stay between 120-130/70.  I think everything will be just fine and Alex may or may not be arriving on the 22nd.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Marvelous May



May is quite the busy month around here.  Mother's day, Gus's first birthday, my sister Sarah's birthday, my Dad's birthday, my preschool's spring program, and last day of school and work May 22nd.  There is obviously alot going on this month.  Staying busy has made this pregnancy fly by!  I can't believe I will have my son next month!!!!!!!!   I am sooooo excited I can hardly stand it.  His room is ready (has been ready for awhile I keep reorganizing it over and over again.)  My hospital bag is packed.  I think the only thing left I might do is make a few dinners and freeze them so I don't have to cook when I get home from the hospital and we don't have to get take out every night.  I have a doctor's appointment this Thursday and will be going every week from here on out. 








Gus's first birthday was a blast!  Bert and I enjoyed ourselves immensley!  It's always nice to go over to someone else's house and relax with food, family, and friends!  Thank you Sarah and Mitchell for hosting such a wonderful party.  It brought back memories of Ava's first birthday.  I went a little crazy with the princess decorations but I simply could not help it.  I love pink and princesses so much!   Mother's Day was equally fun with church, and a nice brunch at Big Springs.  Again, I love to cook,but it is so nice to have someone else do it for you and not have to clean up the mess.  This is a little off the subject but I think it's funny everytime I don't feel like going to church the sermon is ridiculously similar to something I have been worried or thinking about over the past week.  The priest, usually Father Ralph always seems to answer my questions or give me some insight as of what I need to do to fix a problem.  I really dont' like talking about religion it's always been a private thing for me.  It bothers me when people start their sentences with "Through Jesus's love, or It was God's work."  I don't know why but it just agitates me.  Enough said I will leave it at that.

























Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Trip to Bloomington



Today during church Bert leans over and says to me "do you want to go and visit Philip today, we could take back his keys for your parents."   My brother Philip had accidentally left his car keys in a pair of shoes my parents took back to Louisville from their Friday night visit.  Of course I said YES to Bert's wonderful idea.  I am always up for a little road trip!  The drive up went pretty well.  Ava napped most of the way but woke up the last 30 mins and she was ready to get out of the car and run.  I think we will have to look into purchasing a DVD player for the car if we ever drive somewhere more than 2 hours away.  When we arrived we checked out Philip's dorm room and helped take his refridgerator downstairs so we could load it up in our car for him.  Philip's last exam is Friday.  Philip and Annie gave us a small tour of the campus, and I must say IU is beautiful.  Next on the agenda was dinner.  We ate at a local pizza place and it was very tasty.  Ava enjoyed the ice cream after dinner and some playtime at the park.  After one more trip back to the dorm, we packed up and left for the night.  Ava was sad to leave her Uncle Philip but I assured her he would be home Friday and we could play with him again soon.  Not too long after this talk Ava was fast asleep.  A great time was had by all!  Thank you Philip and Annie for the tour and ice cream treat after dinner!