Our computer has been on the fritz, so I can only get on it while in safe mode! No editing pictures, really I can't do anything except check my email and blog. I have lots of pictures I have taken over the week. We have had a pretty rough week but we and when I say we I mean my husband is staying SUPER positive! I am trying to think good thoughts, but sometimes my negative thoughts get the best of me.
I would just like to say I have a really great husband! I like to keep alot of things private between us, but I will say my husband tells me I am beautiful everyday, he tells me he loves me everyday, he tells me he is the luckiest man on earth everyday, in fact I was a little bored the other day and actually counted how many times he said I looked beautiful and it was seven!! Eventually, everything will be as it should and I will forget all about this and move on. Maybe we will hear something next week about a JOB!
Our little miss Ava has been getting ready for school! She adores her new backpack and lunch box that Mimi gave her! It is a horse backpack and lunch box so of course she LOVES it!
Ourl sweet Alex is getting into everything, walking no more crawling, and eating us out of our house!
I'll have to wait and post pictures later, since my computer won't let me do that either.