Saturday, August 23, 2008

A trip to the mall



Bert and I were going to take Ava to the fair today, but we decided it was too hot. So we went to the mall to get Ava a new pair of shoes, and shop around a litle bit.  Sadly, Ava is a 3 1/2 and we could'nt find anything that fit her very well.  She might have to do with what she's got until she is a size 4. 




We think the mall turned out to be just as much fun for little Ava.  She enjoyed riding in her stroller, touching clothes as Mommy and Daddy shopped, sipping on Mommy's drink, and best of all riding the Mickey Mouse ride.  The smallest of things make me happy these days.  Just watching her little face light up as the car rocked back and forth was enough to make me happy for a long time.  She is so cute and sweet I can't stand it.  She is such a good little girl.  Bert and I wanted to eat dinner at BJ's after we were finished walking around the mall even though it was Ava's bedtime.  Ava held up very well.  We didn't get home until after 10:00!  This is late for Ava considering she goes to bed at 8:00/8:30.














  1. We were going to put Leo on those little rides when we were at the Mall today!  Sadly, we didn't have any cash.  Plus we were on a mission to get the boys some shoes too so we didn't stop.  Ava looks like she had fun though!

  2. Aw, Ava is so cute with Mickey!
