Saturday, September 20, 2008

Pumpkin Cookies and New Pajamas!



My Dad bought Ava and Leo each a pumpkin cookie from Pleins bakery.  Ava and Leo both enjoyed their cookies.  Later that day we went to the mall and Ava got to help pick out some new pajamas.  From the Disney store she chose Belle princess pajamas.  I think she looks beautiful in them.  My little avey is getting so big.  I have no idea what she will be for Halloween.















Art Fair



Today we went to the Ursuline Campus Art Fair.  It was so so. I enjoyed hanging out with my sister and her family, Kelly, Dave, Nicholas, and Angela. Bert and I also went to an engagement party later that night.  My sister was kind enough to watch Ava for us even though she has her hands full as is. Sarah was putting Leo and Gus down when Bert and I arrived to pick Ava up so I will probably get the full report in the morning I'm sure.    I never really want to leave Ava because I enjoy having her with us, but I always realize how important it is to just spend time with your husband when we are out. 





























Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday Pictures

I took some more pictures when Bert got off work.  I did not get any of the damage from the storm, I think we have all seen enough of those.  I just wanted to snap away at Ava.



















































Thanks to Hurricane Ike we had a huge wind storm, resulting in a new roof for Bert and I.  Well, we have not been able to get a hold of our insurance company just yet, but when we do they will be out to assess the damage, and I can gurantee they will say we need a new roof.  We have a pretty good home warranty so I am not too worried about the cost.  Other problems caused by the wind storm were loss of power.  We have been without power since yesterday morning around 10:30.  All in all I would say we got off pretty lucky.  We had no major tree damage, and no one in my family was hurt.  I think of all those poor people who have lost not only power but their homes and belongings in Texas.  I feel blessed this is the least of my problems.

On a positive note, I got the day off school, and was able to stay home with Ava.  We went to Grammy's house because she got her power back on.  My sister also came over for the day for she was also still without power.  Ava always enjoys spending time with her cousins Leo and Gus. 

As far as updates with Ava, she is growing up so quickly.  Her vocabulary has not expanded much the same Ma Ma, Da Da, Ba Ba.  Her appetite has been incredible lately.  Ava has always been a good eater, no matter what I fix for dinner she will gobble it all up.  It seems she just can't get enough to eat these days.  Maybe she's going through a growth spurt, who knows?   Ava plays with what I call big kid toys now.  I didn't think she would know how to play with the fisher price castles and other things like this but she is.  She likes to hide her little people in the trap doors, and make them go down the shoots.  I think we will probably get her something like this for her birthday as well as some new clothes.  Ava's one year birthday is in 7 weeks.  I can't get over this.  Where did the year go? Bert and I second anniversery is also coming up October 21st1  Crazy how time flies. 



Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Beautiful Weather



The weather has been absolutely beautiful the past couple days.  The cool weather makes me feel excited and anxious for fall to come.  Fall weather brings jackets, fall clothes halloween, pumpkin patch, and Thanksgiving.  I can't wait!  Everything seems so much more thrilling this year because we have Ava.  I think kids make everything way more fun.  They certainly make things more interesting.  I remember my sister and I discussing this before she was married.  We were talking about how fun our life would be when we both had families, and how cool it would be when we had kids the same age.  Time does not stand still for Sarah and I.  We have three great children between the two of us, and I know more will join the fun!





















Sunday, September 7, 2008




Sometimes I hate Sundays because I know I have to go back to work the next day, and that means no time with Ava.  I know I should be thankful for the time I do get to spend with her because it is alot more than some people get.  I work from 8-3:30.  I know lots of people that get off at 5 or later and don't get to see their kids until then.  It's still not enough time for me.  I love her so much and would love to stay home with her.  If anyone knows of a wonderful stay at home job, please let know asap.  I have already checked out a million possibilities and none seem to really work for me.  Don't get me wrong my job is wonderful.  I work with some great teachers, and have great kids with supportive parents.  We also follow the Catholic school calender which gives me lots of time off.  I still have trouble swallowing the fact I can't be home with her everyday to do the everyday things.  I was born to be a mother.  I know this might  sound corny to some but I really do feel this way.  Sometimes I feel guilty for working, and other times I feel good about working because I know I am helping my family financially.  I think the guilt I sometimes feel comes from stay at home moms that tell me they have their priorities straight.  I must give off the impression to some people that it's okay to say rude, hurtful things to me because it sure does happen alot.  I don't want to get on their pathetic level and tell them how I really feel so I let it go, but I think I might have to start.  Bert and I certainly do not live beyond our means, but we do like Ava to have nice things.  We are actually getting rid of his big truck soon to purchase a car that will have a lower monthly payment.  We both want more children.  Ava has made us so happy and we would love to give her some siblings.  However, I know with more children comes more bills and the question how am I going to ever stay home?  I don't know what the future holds for us.  I know that I will do my best to think positively, love my family unconditionally, and continue to be happy and grateful for what we do have and what God has blessed us with! 

Please note in the video how focused Bert is on playing this video game.  I love this man so much!   



Saturday, September 6, 2008

10 Months



Ava will be ten months old tomorrow.  I can't believe all the amazing things she is doing.  She continues to crawl, pull up on everything, and stands by herself.  My Mom even saw her take a step yesterday.  My little girl will be walking soon!  We bought Ava her first real pair of shoes yesterday.  Of course we got them in pink.  I posted some pictures of Ava having fun with her cousins.  We all enjoyed our little cookout tonight.  Thanks Sarah for the yummy brownies.













































Monday, September 1, 2008

Go Cards! Go Cats!



I live in a house divided.  I am not an insane Uof L fan, but I do like to see my team win.  Unfortunately, Uof L lost on Sunday.  We decided not to go because it was too hot for little Ava.  Bert enjoyed the win very much.  Bert is an insane Uof K fan so in a way I'm glad they won because I would have had to put up with the sulking and excuses as of why they loss if they would have loss.  Other than the upset of the game it was a fair weekend.  Not much else to report.