Ava makes the saying Daddy's little girl very true. She likes to run to the door to greet Bert when he comes home from work, and she likes for Bert to put her to bed now. When Bert holds her and then tries to let her down she cries and wants him to hold her again. When he does pick her back up she burries her little head in his shoulders. It drives me crazy sometimes when she wants Bert over me, but I guess it's for the good. When the baby comes I will need some alone time with him especially when I nurse. It's actually really great that she wants Bert to put her to bed, then I can put little Alex to bed when he arives. By the way Mr. Alex's birthday will be June 22nd at 7:30 a.m. Not very far from his due date June27th. I wanted the 17th but it didn't work out and thats okay. I also had my awful three hour glucose test today. They said I should have the results by Friday, and I am praying I passed. It sounds like an absolute nightmare if I don't. Just a tid bit of information, we purchased Ava her first bathing suit for summer!
The photos I have posted have a funny story behind them, again proving that Ava is Daddy's little girl. Bert went to get Ava out of her crib this morning while I was in the shower. I came back to a dim lit room and see little Ava curled up next to her Daddy. She would never lay with me in bed she is so squirmy, but she does with Bert. Ava also never looks at the camera, so I thought it was extremely funny that she wouldn't take her eyes off me with evil looks that I'm pretty sure meant get out I was trying to snuggle with my Daddy.