Sunday, March 8, 2009

What A Weekend!



This weekend flew by, they seem to be doing that alot these days.  The weather was incredibly awesome this Saturday so we took Ava to the Zoo.  We had so much fun seeing all the animals and riding the train!  Bert and I have been shopping for Ava's new room but we can't seem to find anything we like.  We need a small dresser or chest of drawers, and nothing is really apealing to us.  I think I might just empty mine out and let her use it since Bert finally cleaned out his closet!!!!!!!  I am so proud of him, I have been asking him to do this since we were first married.  He seems to hang on to stuff for way too long.  In other words he is a pack rat for sure.  He had so many hideous T shirts, velvet pants, and shirts.  I am not kidding they were velvet where he got them I have no clue.  He filled three large trash bags full of stuff yeah!  Hopefully I can put my clothes in the closet now.  It's usually the other way around the girl takes up all the closet space, but not in our house.  He even went through his sock and underwear drawer!!!  This is scary how much this excites me. 



In other news Bert and I have been doing a pretty good job saving our money.  Until, something happened..........  our camera broke.  That's right it just stopped working, it would not turn on and the lens would not come out.  Bert and I just told ourselves before this happened we were going to hang on to it as long as we could, and we didn't need a new one.  Well, yesterday we had to purchase a new one, but we didn't go crazy we basically just got the same old camera and this is fine by me.  We really want to save for when the baby comes, and I do not return to work.  We are also checking out homes in St. Matthews and we want to be ready when we find our dream home!





On Saturday Ava turned 16 months old!  I can't believe my little girl is not a baby but a very active toddler.  Hopefully, she will be  a good big sister and not get too jealous.  I think she will be fine, it will probably just take some getting use to at first.  Speaking of the baby we still do not have a name just yet, we are getting close and have narrowed it down to three or four possibilities.  I am getting very anxious to meet my son.  I can't wait to see what he looks like, and what his disposition will be.  Sometimes I think he will look just like Ava, and then I think maybe he will have green eyes and lighter hair like me.  I have washed all his clothes and got out all of Ava's neutral newborn items.  I am so ready for his arrival.  I am getting the nesting feeling where I want everything to be perfect and ready even though I have about 13 weeks left.  We schedule the birthday the 19th!







































  1. Life in MullerworldMarch 11, 2009 at 12:24 AM

    ann, there is a really cute bedroom set for girls at pb kids that's 50% off right now. i've got the catalog if you want to see it

  2. I already got her Lily P. bedding, but thank you.
