Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cookie Cutters



No, I am not talking about the infamous kids hair salon, I am talking about cookie cutter fun at my house today.  I asked my sister the night before if she would like to come over and make some cookies.  I bought a huge container of animal cookie cutters.  Not only did she say yes, she had a great idea.  On Mondays the Hughes clan will go to her house for a fun activity, and Thursdays she and her gang will come over to my house for a planned activity.  With Ava's speech on Wed our weeks will l be flying by. I feel like they do already.  I tell Bert all the time, I don't know where the time goes.  I look up at the clock thinking it's still morning and it's 2:00.  My husband assures me it's because I enjoy what I do, and he is right!  I love love love staying home with my kids.  They make me smile every day,  There are days when I want to pull a few hairs out, but nothing that ever makes me think I want to go back to work.  I am however, thinking about going back to school, for what degree I don't know.  I just know I want to go back to work when my youngest is in preschool, and I want to be happy and successful, and get off in time to be home when my kids get out of school.  That's all I know.  Wish me luck on deciding what to major in.  Here are a few pictures of our fun cookie day!











  1. Too cute. Plans sound great. Have fun everyone!

  2. Fun! Love the aprons! Nicholas loves to bake too! 
