Friday, February 19, 2010

Swimming fun on Alex's Eight Month B-day!



Alex is officially eight months old.....CRAZY!  Bert  and I were talking the other day and we can't believe we are back to the puffs already. Puffs, meaning little pieces of whole grain cereal made by Gerber that Alex can EAT.  So many changes have happened recently. Alex now sits like a big boy in the grocery cart and hight chair at restaurants, no more holding him or putting him the carrier while we eat.  Alex wants to try everything we are eating.  So far he has had puffs, cheerios, little pieces of a roll, and a few green beans.  He still enjoys his puree baby food as well. 



Alex weighs 17lbs, 10oz, and unfortunatley had his first ear infection last week.  He is recovering beautifully, the doctor assured me it was probably from all the drool due to teething.  Alex has his two bottom teeth in!  He uses them well and gums everything else.



He continues to army crawl.  He is everywhere.  I will put him down on a blanket in the family room, leave to do some dishes, and when I come back to check on him, he is half way down the hall!  He is also attempting to pull up when he is in his crib.

I think the sweetest thing about Alex is that he always has a big smile for you.  If you give my little boy a smile and say hello he will 99% of the time return the favor for you.  He is a beautiful, healthy, happy baby and we love him to pieces.




Last night we went swimming at Milestone.  It was so much fun but nearly impossible to get some pictures.  I managed to snap a few.  Both Ava and Alex loved the pool, but wanted to stay as close to us as possible.




Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ava and Alex growing up



Miss Ava has been making me so proud lately!  When I take her into stores she stands right by me without me having to hold her hand, this is a really big deal!  She is listening more and more!  Ava's new favorite thing to do is play dressup, and pretend to dance and ice skate while she is dressed up!
















Little Alex is army crawling!  He enjoys being on his tummy whevever possible instead of sitting by himself, but he is sitting much better now.




Friday, February 12, 2010

A Happy Valentine's Day Party!



Setting up for a party with three kids is no easy task, I tried as hard as I could to get everything done the night before but there were still things to do in the morning that just about seemed impossible with four hands trying to get into everything and one little fussy baby.  After all this said, I think everything worked out.  Grandpa Hughes, Nana (Marianne,) Aunt Sarah, and I all helped with the kids with their art project and the decorating of cookies.  The pizza was delicious, and the kids were very happy!  Here are some pictures from the party.  I hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day.  I'm hoping one day next week Bert and I will be able to sneak away one night for a quiet dinner to celebrate a late Valentine's Day, since it's practically impossible to find a sitter on Valentine's day.  Let me know if I have any takers on this!!!!!!!!!!














Sunday, February 7, 2010

Blahhhhh ... January and February



January and February are not my favorite months.  One snow and I am done.  I need the warm sun on my skin, and the temperature at least 60 so my children can run, and frolic outside all day. I have been daydreaming about sunscreen, pools, beach towels, flip flops, and anything else that remotely fits in the category of warmer weather. I am feeling tired so here is a simple list of things running through my head that we have done and/or plan on doing,

1. I now have a year membership to milestone!!!!!!!!!!  I actually cried when my Dad informed me of this.  Love you DAD!

2. Picked a preschool for Ava. She will be attending Middletown Methodist two days a week for three hours a day.

3. Bert has another interview tomorrow.  However, he is not sure if this is a permanent position, we are still waiting for a certain job to post ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

4. I am feeling a little miserable stuck inside all day during the week!!!!!!

5. Alex's bottom teeth came in!!!!!

6. Ava is starting to talk a lot more!!!!!!!

7. Bert shaved his beard

8. We went to a great super bowl party hosted by Uncle Derrick and Aunt Leigh Anne

9. I am going to the doctor Feb 23rd, because I feel I am loosing weight too slowly

10. January and February pretty much suck, and this list is getting ridiculous

11. We are anxiously awaiting our tax returns