Wednesday, April 28, 2010

31 cent scoop night



After a long night at the park we decided to hit up Baskin Robin's for 31 cent scoop night.  The line was wrapped around the door.  I think we got our ice cream around 9:30!  There was a clown with balloons entertaining everyone while you waited so fun was had by all.  Here are some pictures of our little adventure.

In other news I recently posted on facebook that I signed up for the Zoo's 5k run!  I am super excited to be running!  I have been running on and off since October, but have really been focusing on it since February.






Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Alex at 10 Months!!



My baby boy turned ten months old yesterday.  Before you know it I will be planning his first birthday!!  Alex is as sweet as can be with an incredibly loving disposition.  When Alex feels like being shy he will lay his head on my shoulder and cover his eyes, it is the most precious thing to see. Alex is on the move pulling up on everything, crawling on his knees at a fast pace, no more army crawling.  He continues to eat everything except fruit with the exception of bananas.  He will eat his puree fruit, but not solid fruit.  Ava was and is the same way.  My kiddos like raisins and cranberries and thats about it.  As far as veggies go he eats and eats and eats!  The list is too long to go through all the foods that Alex eats because it's just about everything.  Alex continues to say Da Da and makes other noises but no Ma Ma yet.  Alex is also waving bye bye!!





Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I Can Only Imagine



I can only imagine what my little girl will be like when she grows up.  I have a feeling she will be a little on the wild side!  I can also only imagine what kind of trouble she might get into with her close friend Caroline at Sacred Heart ha ha!!  




Ava is a very blessed little girl, she has close cousins she will get to go to school with and brothers/or sister she will be close to as well.  I loved growing up with all my siblings and wish I had more!  I'm glad I have great friends from high school that I still hang out with, and now get to see our daughters grow up together,  I think I am more excited about Ava's future than she is.  These pictures crack me up.  Ava can give some looks!  I also added in a few from the zoo today,





Monday, April 12, 2010

My babies


I think my children are amazing, and they are my source of strength. I love Ava's new thing she does with me.  She gets close up to my face looks me in the eyes for awhile and then names my facial features "hay (hair), eyes, noooose. mooouu, eeek (ear)."  Her speech is kind of all over the place but she loves trying anyways.  She is getting really great at repeating you too!  Alex is pulling up on everything he can, and continues to move quickly in and out of rooms up and down the hall with his big sis!  These two are becoming very close.  They play well together for the most part, sometimes Ava opposes to Alex touching her stuff.  If Alex falls down from pulling up on something or is just fussy she runs over to him and says "okay okay okay" over and over until I say "yes Ava he is okay."



The slide pictures of Ava were taken by Bert.  He thought it might be cool to document start to finish Ava on the slide.  I love that he thinks like this!  Bert is ALWAYS in the moment when he plays with the kids.  I love him very much!


















Sunday, April 4, 2010

Excellent Easter!!!!!



This Easter was simpy beautiful.  Church went very well, my children were well behaved which is always a plus.  Brunch was delicious!  Thank you Mom for working so hard to make everything so special.  Ava and Alex enjoyed all of their Easter baskets and egg hunts.  We are so blessed to have so many people who love us.  I could not have asked for a better day.  I am truely grateful.  Here are some adorable pictures from Easter.  It is so much fun to get super dressed up!