Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Alex at 10 Months!!



My baby boy turned ten months old yesterday.  Before you know it I will be planning his first birthday!!  Alex is as sweet as can be with an incredibly loving disposition.  When Alex feels like being shy he will lay his head on my shoulder and cover his eyes, it is the most precious thing to see. Alex is on the move pulling up on everything, crawling on his knees at a fast pace, no more army crawling.  He continues to eat everything except fruit with the exception of bananas.  He will eat his puree fruit, but not solid fruit.  Ava was and is the same way.  My kiddos like raisins and cranberries and thats about it.  As far as veggies go he eats and eats and eats!  The list is too long to go through all the foods that Alex eats because it's just about everything.  Alex continues to say Da Da and makes other noises but no Ma Ma yet.  Alex is also waving bye bye!!






  1. He is so handsome. Ava will have to screen all those girls that will be chasing him.

  2. I love that last pic! His hair is getting so light, Ann! 

  3. He is a blondie, Ann!  I feel like with babies, you get one of the two- either fruit or veggies-- Sophia definitely falls into the fruit category.  It sounds like Alex is growing leaps and bounds!  And I love how Ava is showcasing her personality more and more.  

  4. I can't believe he has blonde hair!  With Bert's black hair I never imagined my kids would have lighter hair.  Thanks everyone for the compliments, Alex is definatley a keeper!
