Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ava Turns Three!!

Our little miss Ava is now a big three year old!  She is our special little princess.  Bert and I have been head over heels in love with her since the day we brought her home.  Ava's party was a big hit, all of her aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and grandparents were there to celebrate the big day.  The theme was My Little Pony.  Bert made Ava her own little pole jumping obstacle course for her and her guests to play with.  It was very cute, and I'm proud of my husband for making it!  We feasted on chili, hotdogs, spinach dip, veggies, apples, trail mix, and my little pony cake!  I made my Grammies ice cream punch and to my surprise the adults enjoyed it more than the kids.

At three, Ava is talking up a storm in full sentences. she has come so far since starting occupational therapy in March.  She loves Ms. Shelli, and gets very excited when she gets to go see her.  Ava was diagnosed with Sensory Integration Processing disorder. She has some trouble processing information which affects her speech and behavior.  Which explains ALOT!  We are so happy Ava is thriving and able to communicate with us now.

Ava's favorite thing to do is ride horses.  At her last riding lesson she steered the horse all by herself in and out of the cones without the instructor holding on, and trotted/ran with the horse.  Ava had her reins going, the faster the horse goes the better for Ava.  Her riding lesson lasts for 20 mins but we hang around the barn for a good hour so Ava can get plenty of horse time in.  I'm going to have to get it on film how she goes right up to these horses, holds her hand flat, and feeds them apples.  She gives them kisses on their noses, and says "I love you horsies."

Ava is one of the best eaters I know, which I am thrilled about. It would drive me nuts if all my kids ate were chicken nuggets and cheese pizza.  I think it is very important for them to have a well developed palate.  With this said I am not super strict when it comes to my kids and what they eat, but I do make sure their meals are healthy most of the time.  I think if I told Ava she could never have this or that than of course she would want it then!  Some of her favorite foods right now are meat (all kinds) broccoli, carrots, chips with sour cream, black olives, panera's chicken cobb salad, spaghettie, garlic bread, and waffles.  I consider myself lucky that whatever I make for dinner my kids will eat.

We love you Ava!!  You are an amazing little girl, and you always bring a smile to our face, you are so very special to us!!

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