I have been busy lately thinking about Thanksgiving. Yes, Thanksgiving! Does anybody remember that holiday anymore? I went to Target to look for a suitable table cloth since I am hosting this year and I found nothing. Everything was Christmas, I even asked for some help thinking I had overlooked them and he said "no, we don't get those in anymore!" So I settled for a gold tablecloth which by the way was on sale and I had a three dollar off coupon:) I know everyone gets super anxious and excited about Christmas, but I am going to take it easy this year. I am going to enjoy Thanksgiving and maybe even hold off decorating for Christmas until the second week of December. The talk has already started on who wants what, can we have a list, gifts, gifts, gifts, it sort of drives my crazy. The first thing I think of when someone mentions Christmas is my brother Tommy (because I rarely ever get to see him) fire places blazing, Christmas pajamas, movies, baking, and Christmas Eve mass, I love all these things and so much more. I hope my kids will too. I know when you are little, Santa and getting presents is very high up on the list, and for some adults too:)
I wish everything would slow down just a little so we could enjoy both holidays. I have been very good lately about enjoying the small things, even on the "tough"days. I had one of those kind of days on Wednesday. Bert was going to work late so I took the kids out for dinner and ice cream at the new sweet and swirly, and it was awful. Alex was running in and out of the restaurant, Ava dropped her entire ice cream bowl on the floor that was filled with about 7.00 worth of toppings that she just had to have. When I got home things did not get much better until we went to bed that night. Both of my kids had their bath and were right beside me in my bed leaning in and taking turns giving me sweet kisses telling me what a great day they had. This is normal for Ava but not for Alex so I was extremely happy and calm, and decided everything I did that day was great despite all the mishaps. I felt very blessed to have two healthy kids cuddling me in my bed and that is all that mattered.
Some pictures of us just hanging out and playing.
Alex enjoying his nephew Oscar.
Ava and I completed this project while Alex was napping. Thank you Mimi for the great B-day gift.
Alex= A man on the move (and please watch what you say around this child he has unfortunately picked up every bad word that has slipped out of our mouth and is really into spitting!) Lets pray this is just a little phase.
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