Ava is getting so big! She can play in an exersaucer (with the help of a pillow,) sit in a high chair, and reach for objects in front of her. Her tights fit her so well. These are the tights she wore at Thanksgiving and they were so baggy the looked very silly. It's so true babies grow so quickly. I am enjoying every minute of her life. It may sound cliche but she is the best thing I have ever done. I love her so much!!!!!!! I am working on downloading a video of her laughing at our dog Bella. Ava loves dogs. The louder they bark the funnier Ava thinks they are. I can't wait to take her to the zoo this summer. I think it would be a great play date with cousin Leo!
Ava looks so adorable! She is her mothers daughter ... very pretty! Before you know it she'll be crawling all over the place. You'll have a busy summer.