Thursday, January 29, 2009

Winter Weather


While Ava is napping I thought I would go ahead and share with you some of the fun we have been having at my sister's house.  First I would like to say Thank You Sarah and Mitchell for being such wonderful hosts!  Bert and I have no power at our house, so we have been staying with my sister.  For those of you who don't know my sister, she already has two small children, so to add another one to the mix can be a little chaotic especially during nap times.  So far it has worked out very well.  We are all going out to dinner tonight at Bearno's.  Bearnos is right in front of their house practically.  It will do us so some good to get everybody out of the house for awhile.  I have only taken a few photoos but I will post more soon.  So far Sarah and I have not had school, so we will see how long this snow and ice delays will last.  Of course I am loving being home with my sweet girl! Sadly, we had to put our dog Bella in the kennel for awhile, she is just too big of a dog to stay over at my Sister's house.  We paid extra for peanut butter treats, and one on one playtime.  The facility looked very nice, so I hope she is having a good time.  She will also be groomed while she is there, so that is a definite plus!



















































Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ava will have a little brother!



I am shocked to say the least we are having a boy.  I thought for sure this baby was a girl.  I had the name, obviously the clothes, bedding, everything ready.  I was so sure it was a girl.  I planned on eventually moving the baby in with Ava since she will have trundle beds in her new room.  Well, I guess I will just have to start rethinking everything.  Bert is ecstatic to put it mildly.  It's going to take me some getting used to I am not ashamed to admit.  I am so elated the baby is healthy and progressing well.  I am simply a girly girl.  I enjoy matching Ava's clothes to her bows, shopping in the little girl's department, and simply love everything about little girls.  However, I thinks it's pretty cool I am having a SON!  It's just so hard to switch your train of thought.  I have beautiful bedding for him thanks to my Aunt Diane,and I am sure the Grandma's will help in the clothes department.  Everything I got from Ava's baby shower is pink, I'm not kidding.  I keep telling this baby in my belly how much I love him, and how I don't mean to hurt his feelings, but I am just so shocked. 

After the ultra sound I went shopping at the mall and immediately realized how different the girl vs. boy department is.  The girls is so bright and cheery and the boys is dark and dreary.  Why do children's designers insist on using such dark colors and sports themed outfits for newborn boys?  I am pretty sure they don't know what sports are just yet.  I would like to see some sweet baby boy items in the department stores.  I managed to purchase some outfits for my son and Ava too.  I would like to get their pictures taken together this summer.  As far as names go for this little man,  Bert and I are still thinking.  We know we would like to use Eric some where in the name (Bert's dad's name), we are just not sure yet.  We will keep everyone updated.  The baby's birthday is still not set in stone.  We are still leaning towards the 17th.

Overall, it has been an emotional day.  I enjoyed having my family with me at the ultra sound, and I look forward to meeting my little boy come JUNE!



Saturday, January 17, 2009

Go Cards!



I am so excited the cards beat the # 1 team, sorry Kentucky fans.  I thought I would go ahead and post a pregnancy photo of me at 18 weeks now!  We all enjoyed the cards victory over at my parent's house with a lovely dinner from Texas Roadhouse.  I am feeling better despite the fact I have a cold.  I think I am going to drink more Gatorade.  A friend told me that when she was pregnant her electrolytes were all messed up and she to became dehydrated very quickly.  I already drink water throughout the day, so I will just add some Gatorade to my routine.  I will try anything at this point not to go to the hospital again.  Ava is feeling back to her normal self and we are all elated about this.  She has become a busy little bee once more.


Friday, January 16, 2009

A Trip To The Hospital

Last night was rather exciting to say the least.  I left work feeling very sick, tired, worn out, you get what I mean.  During work I had taken a total of 4 tylenol to get me through the day.  First I think I need to give you a little background information.  Everyone in my class is sick.  We have six kids out and about five more do not need to be there.  To quote their parents "well they don't have a fever."  These poor kids come in looking so run down, coughing, runny nose, and just lethargic.  Most of these kids are there for a few hours.  I don't understand why would you not just leave them home to rest and recover from their colds.  We also have strep throat and RSV going around.  My co teacher and I clean sooooooo much.  We have a janitor that comes at night and cleans but we still do it ourselves all day long. I feel like there is only so much I can do.  Every time the kids blow their nose they have to wash their hands and use sanitizer, as well as before lunch and bathroom breaks of course.  If parents keep bringing their kids to school sick I have no chance of not getting sick.  My job is very physical, literally I have to love on them when they need it.

Back to my exciting night.  Around 7:00 I thought I was having contractions.  My stomach was tightening for a few seconds and then releasing.  This was after I had vomited a few times.  I got extremely panicky to say the least.  I am only 17 weeks I thought how and why am I having contractions.  I also felt like I had the flu by this point, and really light headed.  So I insisted we go to the hospital.  We dropped Ava off at my Mom's house and we were admitted right away.  They hooked me up to a fetal monitor and once I heard the babies heartbeat I started to cry, because I knew everything was alright.  I swear I am going to work on calming down and not thinking the worse possible outcome.  I was very dehydrated, so dehydrated they could not find my veins.  The two nurses kept saying "poor thing they are just so small and thin nothing is raising she is so dehydrated".  I felt like getting sick I hate needles.  They also preceded to say "well I really hate sticking them more than once."  Well they had to stick me more than once, and never got anything to work so they finally decided to call in the vein specialist.  That title alone makes me cringe.  He was able to find a vein in my left arm and two bags of fluid slowly trickled in.  By 1:00 we were home and I immediately took some tylenol and passed out.  Once again I am home from work.  I don't know how much more of the cold and flu season I can take.  I forgot to mention I was not having contractions, they only measured as irritability from being dehydrated.  

Monday, January 12, 2009


I am a little sad, my doctor's office called and had to cancel my Wed. ultra sound and checkup.  The receptionist said it has absolutely been crazy around the office especially the ultra sound machine.  There is only one tech and apparently alot of high risk pregnant women needing to get in.  So they have pushed my appointment back to the following Wed. January 21st.  I am just glad everything is going smoothly and I am not a high risk pregnancy.  I am currently 17 weeks pregnant!  We wil also be scheduling the baby's birth day.  I am looking at June 17th.  My doctor shedule's them on Wednesdays.  The follwoing Wed in June is a little close to my brother in law's wedding.  I know this sounds horrible that I am trying to have my baby so I can go to a wedding, but they have already told me how much it would mean to them if I were there.  I was originally a bridesmaid but had to cancel and promised I would try to be there for them on their special day.  If the baby is born on June 17th this gives me about 15 days to somehow prepare myself to attend the wedding.  No, I am not talking about losing any weight that is the least of my worries.  I happen to love my body pregnant or not.  I am just trying to figure out who will watch Ava and the baby?  How will I nurse the baby?  Should I try and pump and give the baby a bottle that young?  I get the impression this is not a kid friendly wedding which is fine everyone does things differently.  Since I am already worried and thinking about it now, I am sure I will come up with a solution before the July 3rd wedding.  

In other news Ava is still under the weather.  She has had a sinus infection and a cold since the beginning of December.  I had to call in a sub on Friday, and today ( Monday.)  I feel like I have taken off some much lately but she comes first and I am determined to get her better.  I took her to the doctor on Friday and now the docotor thinks she is suffering more from allergies than anything else.  She is on Omnicef for the mucus that is built up in her throat, benadryl for allergies, and tylenol for the fever.  According to the doctor the fever is from the sinus infection and pressure.  He also assures me she is not contagious.  I don't know I am at a loss. I want my sweet happy little girl back.  She has been acting out of character as would I if I felt the way she did, and she doesn't have much of an appetite.  I forgot to mention I also put a humidifier in her room.  I feel like I have done everything I can.  I have not left this house for a long time except on Sunday to go to church and pray my little heart out that she gets better soon.  

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Exciting News!



Over the Christmas break Bert and I had many discussions on what we want to do before the baby is born, and here they are.

1. Finish our basement

2. Paint and assemble Ava's new room.

3. Save Money

4. Buy a double stroller

This is not to bad of a list to accomplish.  Bert has begun studding the basement walls, and has hung a few pieces of drywall.  I think it is coming along rather well.  We will be posting some pictures soon.  I want to wait a little longer before painting and moving Ava into her new room.  She will have to learn how to sleep in a twin bed, since I don't have two cribs.  Saving money is always difficult but we will succeed.  I have been looking at a few possibilities for double strollers, I need one that holds a carrier.  This can be purchased closer to the baby's due date.

I forgot to mention one little thing.  I AM GOING TO STAY HOME AFTER THE BABY IS BORN!  If you read my blog you know how much this means to me.  I have wanted to stay home from the time I found out I was pregnant with Ava.  This means the world to me I am head over heels excited about this decision that Bert and I came to.  I think it's the best job in the world.  I can't wait to wake up every morning and know that I will be the one feeding her every meal, teaching her new things, and loving her unconditionally for the rest of her life.  Yes, I do most of these things already but it will be different.  No more rushing around like a mad woman in the morning trying to get everyone out of the house on time, no more coming home from work tired and not having time to play with her because I have to cook dinner.  I will be spending the entire day with her.  I have lots of time to play with her on the weekends but it's never enough.   I look forward to the challenges of nursing an infant and taking care of a 19 month old.  I don't care if I sound crazy or corny.  I love my babies and staying home with them is the best thing that could ever happen to me.