While Ava is napping I thought I would go ahead and share with you some of the fun we have been having at my sister's house. First I would like to say Thank You Sarah and Mitchell for being such wonderful hosts! Bert and I have no power at our house, so we have been staying with my sister. For those of you who don't know my sister, she already has two small children, so to add another one to the mix can be a little chaotic especially during nap times. So far it has worked out very well. We are all going out to dinner tonight at Bearno's. Bearnos is right in front of their house practically. It will do us so some good to get everybody out of the house for awhile. I have only taken a few photoos but I will post more soon. So far Sarah and I have not had school, so we will see how long this snow and ice delays will last. Of course I am loving being home with my sweet girl! Sadly, we had to put our dog Bella in the kennel for awhile, she is just too big of a dog to stay over at my Sister's house. We paid extra for peanut butter treats, and one on one playtime. The facility looked very nice, so I hope she is having a good time. She will also be groomed while she is there, so that is a definite plus!