Sunday, June 14, 2009




This is kind of a lump sum of all the things we have been up to lately.  First I guess I will start with Ava's therapy.  Her speech therapy went ok.  I was not very impressed with the speech therapist and some of her comments.  First let me say I pretty much set Ava up for failure because the speech was scheduled at her nap time.  I did this only because the therapist had a weird schedule that week and I really wanted to make sure Ava got speech last week.  The activities she did with her were the same that I do everyday, and she constantly asked me if she always acted like this?  Ava would sit and do activities with her for about 10 mins and then she would want to do something else, and it really seemed to frustrate the therapist.  Then she would ask can she not do this? can she not do that?  Hell, I wanted to cry half way through the session along with Ava.  I asked the therapist if all her 19 month old children sat for the entire hour she did therapy, and she said no Ava just seems distracted. With all this said it wasn't that terrible and I probably over reacted to  some things that were said.  I was just expecting some awesome new techniques that I had never thought of doing with her so I could start doing them, and I saw nothing.  I even asked her what she planned on doing in the future with her and it sounded like the same old thing (getting her to point to picutes, and reinforcing the sounds of words.)  I am trying to stay positvie about it, it was only the first session.






 Ava also received a visit from a physical therapist and that went much better.  She actually got off of the floor to follow her around and would bring her back with a neat activity.  The physical therapist said she probably wouldn''t see Ava again because her feet and hips turn in just slighty not enough to cause her equilibrium to be thrown off.  She said Ava was very strong and balanced.  She just gave me a few exercises to do with her so she would not sit in a w formation and this will cause her feet to correct themselves quicker.



This week my doctor's office will call and let me know when my appointment is because they were all booked last week.  At my last appointment my doctor mentioned she may have an opening friday and you better believe I told her I would take it.  Most likely the baby will still be born on the 22nd, but I am so ready to have him now!  I am just done and over being pregnant I won't go into anymore complaints as of why I am done, I"ll just leave it at that.  On a happier note I was able to go and get my hair done of Friday and felt like a new person for a day!


Some of the pictures I posted are of Ava working out with me Thursday night.  The other pictures are of Caroline's birthday party, Locust Grove, St. Pius picnic, and lunch. Jennifer did such a fabulous job hosting such a great 1st birthday party.  We had a blast! Ava was in a little bit of a mood so she pretty much kept to herself.



Today we went to Locust Grove for a festival that was supposed to have farm ANIMALS, but the only animals that showed up were Turkeys.  Ten mins later it started pouring raining, so we had a short visit to Locust Grove.  Thank you Grammy and Grandaddy for the very thoughtful idea.



Last but not least I would officially like to congratulate Kelly and Dave on the new arrival of  their daughter, Claire Margaret.  What a beautiful name!!!!!!
























































1 comment:

  1. Definitely stay positive with the speech visits.  The good news is that you're also doing everything you can at home, which is double reinforcement and should make a difference!  Love all of Ava's outfits- the Miss Ava dress is truly precious!  Hang in there- only one week to go in the pregnancy!  
