Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday Night Live!



This is our life on a Saturday night  and I couldn't be happier.  I do enjoy date nights and the occasional night out with my friends, but this overall is my favorite way to spend Saturday...... with my family!!!!!  We started the day off with a morning dance class for Ava which was a little shaky, then off to lunch with Mimi and Granddaddy, home for naps, back out to spend some time at Seneca park, then we went out to dinner!  To top off my Saturday night, Bert is giving the kids a bath and I am headed out for some relaxation with a trip to Target and the best part of all is my sister gets to come with me!!!!  Ahhhhhh  life is good folks.










Sunday, January 17, 2010

SEVEN MONTHS! (a day early)



I can't believe my baby boy is seven months old, that sounds so old to me.  At seven months Alex is working on sitting, scoots around a little bit when on his tummy, eats everything, and loves to say Da Da all the time! Alex loves his big sister so much, he always has a smile for everyone but he gets the giggles whenever Ava comes around.  I have a feeling these two will be close.  Thinking how obsessed I was with baby girls makes me really question myself.  My little boy is amazing!








In other news Bert has two potential job interviews this week!  We are so excited about these opportunities!  Bert really hopes that he gets one in particular, so cross your fingers, say your prayers, and light your candles!!







Saturday, January 9, 2010

I also highly recommend


This is a little throw back to one of my sister's post about watching my kids.  Bert and I were lucky enough to watch our cute niece and nephews tonight.  I am so blessed my sister and I have kids the same age.  Life is a little easier when you have a great Sister to lean on and knows exactly what you are going through because her life is so similar to your own.  We had a lot of fun tonight with 5 kids.  Everyone was a joy and there were no problems that popcorn couldn't fix.  After tonight I think I have a new best friend.  Tillie and I were snuggle buddies.  She likes lots of kisses and lovins for sure.  I really enjoyed spending time with all of them.  I leave you with some pictures and a quote from Leo

Leo- "Annie my eyes shine really bright"

Me- "Yes they do Leoman"

Leo- "Yeah and I get them from parents"

Leo is always full of information for you.




Wednesday, January 6, 2010




I wanted little Alex to have a post of his own so here it is.  Alex continues to be a super great baby, not that all babies are not great, it's just that he is super sweet, smiley and always content.  He eats everything!  No teeth just yet, but I think he is working on some.  He has not mastered sitting but I know he will come to it on his own shortly.  I have got to stop stressing so much about these milestones.  I know in my heart my kids will master them eventually I just don't always listen to it, which is one of my new year's resolutions!  Here are some pictures of my little sugar lump.




Monday, January 4, 2010




Just a few pictures of my sweet girl.  Her new baby ballet class is now on Wed. nights from 6:30-7:15.  I had to laugh when Ms. Ellen asked if this would be too late for her since she is only two.  Ava goes to bed around 11:00.  She has always been a night owl to say the least.  She goes to bed late and gets up late.  She takes a nice nap from 2-4, and thats just the way it is.  I've tried to eliminate the nap and put her to bed early and it doesn't work.  Right now I could care less.  She is a joy to have even late at night.  Ava is so excited and ready to dance!  A post of just Alex will follow shortly.