Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happy Saturday

It was an extremely hot, humid day, but we made the best of it.  We took an early morning walk at Seneca park while Daddy was at work.  After the park we hit up one of our favorite stores TARGET!  Target was a must because we had to purchase a gift for our BFF Caroline!  We had so much fun at Caroline's Dora party.  The kids enjoyed swimming in Caroline's new pool.  I put in some pictures of Lourdes ride night and picnic from Thursday and Friday as well as pictures from today.  I must say I didn't get that many pictures, it's hard to snap good photos when there is so much going on.  The pictures I took of Ava and Alex going down the big slide at Lourdes with Uncle Nash and Daddy didn't turn out!  Hopefully, I am sure there will be a next time.
















  1. Life in MullerworldJune 13, 2010 at 4:22 AM

    Thanks for posting these Annie! I only got like 5 pictures.  Terrible Mommy!

  2. Sounds like you are having such a fun summer, Ann!  Beautiful pictures of Ava and Alex- they are both getting so big and the big 1 is right around the corner for Alex!  Time flies.  Ava is looks like such a spit fire and Alex looks like the quiet handsome type.  
