Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Two Cuties

Ava- Little miss Ava is growing up.  I can see a big difference in her since her third birthday.  She listens to me and wants to be a big girl.  We rarely have any tantrums unless she is EXTREMELY tired, which I understand and let her have those because I want to throw some tantrums myself when I am tired!  We are still working on potty training and will be for awhile, she is just not that interested in using the potty, but we will get there!  Ava was accepted into her new preschool, she will be going five days a week next year.  I think this might be harder on me than Ava.  I really enjoy sleeping in, staying home, and hanging out with my kids.  This does not mean I don't like getting out, I just like our laid back schedule. Ava continues to love horse back riding.  Her instructor told me she was the most relaxed child she has ever taught.  I asked her what she meant and she said Ava is never afraid, most kids get nervous during trotting, and balancing.  Ava acts like she is sitting on a couch she is so calm.  I told her that's because Ava's best friends are horses!

Alex-  Little Alex's personality is shining brightly! He loves giving you REAL kisses and squeeze hugs.  He likes making faces, and saying everything is "hot."  His language is increasing everyday.  His favorite toys are still cleaning supplies, he likes swiffers, brooms, and vacuums.  He does play with his trucks and cars but really prefers to sweep something across the floor.  Alex loves music and dancing.  If you turn on something that's upbeat he will be swaying back and forth and shuffling his little feet.

Bert and I have really high hopes for this year.  We feel this is our year to shine!!!  Happy New Year 2011, I can't wait to see what's in store for us.

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