Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ava Is Two



We celebrated Ava's second birthday with lots of friends and family.  It was a little crowded but I think a good time was had by all.  We had BBQ, potato casserole, spinach salad, two cakes, cookies, and candy!  I never get the chance to take a bunch of pictures, so hopefully my sister got some good ones.  It seems to be a birthday tradition for me to cry.  I honestly can't believe Ava is two.  Bert and I were reminiscing about the day she was born and how it was the most exciting, happiest day of our lives.  We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, our little miss Ava can give us a real run for our money, and it makes us love her even more.  Ava got so many nice gifts.  Thank you so much to all our family and friends who came and made Ava's day so specail.  Ava' s birthday helped me realize again that life is about love and family.  No matter what happens you will always have your family behind you.  I think most everyone knows by now that Bert lost his job on Friday. I was pretty upset to say the least, but I am looking forward to what the future holds now.  Here are some pictures I managed to get, enjoy!














1 comment:

  1. Happy 2nd birthday, Miss Ava! I'm glad she enjoyed her party. All the details look great...I especially love the horse cake and cookies. Adorable! 
