Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Little Church



There is nothing like a little church to make you feel refreshed and ready to start your life again.  I honestly try to go to church every Sunday but it just doesn't always work out.  Today was one of those Sundays I decided we needed to go.  Bert works for his Uncle on Saturdays and Sundays so it was just me and my two angels.  I was a little nervous taking them by myself because my parents went to the earlier mass.  I don't mind being by myself with the two of them but church is a different story.  You obviously have to be quiet, and Ava's attention span is a little short.  I was so proud of the two of them.  Ava sat quietly next to me for a long time and then she looked at her books, no screaming, no trying to escape.  I was elated!  She really is growing up and I think the whole speech thing will come in a matter of time.  I am going to back off a little bit and let nature take it's course.  If I don't see anything by summer I'll step in again and try to help her.  After church we ate at the chili supper my parents organized at St. Louis Bertrand.  Great job Mom and Dad!  I know how hard you both worked and I think it was a huge success!  Ava enjoyed her hotdog and decorating her dessert.  Alex fell fast asleep.  I am thanking God for my life right now, I appreciate everything I have especially my family.





1 comment:

  1. You have two beautiful little angels! They were great in church. We love you and your family Ann.
