Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday America and Grandpa!!!!!



Bert and I hosted a 4th of July party/suprise birthday party for his Dad.  I think a good time was had by all.  Bert and I enjoy having lots of people over to our house, one of the main reasons we remodeled our kitchen.  The kitchen was a huge success, their was plenty of room for everyone.  Bert's Dad turned 75 on July 3rd, and let me tell you he looks great!  We love you so much Grandpa, Happy Birthday again!!!!!!  The festivities started at 4:00 p.m.  Everyone arrived promptly about this time.  We had plenty of appetizers; Mexican pizza, blueberry cheese spread, guacomole dip, BLT dip, pineapple and bacon puff pastries, and plenty of drinks!  Dinner was around 6:00 and we feasted on Frankfort avenue BBQ, my delicious tortellini pasta salad, baked beans, and fresh fruit.  For desert we had a variety of treats; Barbara's homemade peach and apple pies, a jelly roll made by Marianne, and cookies made by Aunt Rose. 

I put in lots of pictures please enjoy!

































  1. Thank you again for a lovely time. The food was great and the kitchen looks fantastic. The pictures are super. We all had a happy 4th.

  2. Mom and I are admiring what we can see of your new kitchen.  Looks like the party was quite a success too.  Adorable pictures of Ava!  Happy birthday to Bert's father :)

  3. Sounds like it was a great party!  I love Ava's polka dots, and her flower towel is too cute!
