Sunday, July 20, 2008

No Tan for Ann



Today I was determined to get some sun on my very pale body.  I feel like I am out in the sun a lot and I do not have a tan at all.  I gave up the tanning bed a long time ago and refuse to start again because it is so bad for your skin.  I was all set to lay out while Ava napped and then get her in the baby pool after she woke up.  Well things did not go according to plan, I did some laundry and fell asleep.  After Ava and I woke up we got in the baby pool for about 15 minuets and it started to rain.  I just don't think it was meant for me to be tan this summer.  Oh well I guess I will have to buy some self tanner. However, Bert absolutely hates the smell and overall look of self tanner.  Being the wonderful husband he is, he sprays my back for me anyways.  No I did not post any pictures of me and my very white body.  I think everyone would be happier seeing cute little Ava.  Bert also thinks I am beautiful just the way I am (no tan.)  I guess I can't complain, I just feel better with a tan. 











1 comment:

  1. You'll be thankful later on in life if you go without the tan. It toughens the skin and makes it look like you are caring rough leather on your body instead of a baby smooth and soft skin! Bert's right, you look perfect the way you are.
