Friday, October 3, 2008

Ava Walks!!!!!!



Ava took her first steps this week.  Of course, I cried, I was so happy sad excited, and nervous all at the same time.  I don't think she will really be walking for another couple of weeks, but I think it's really amazing she is taking four and five steps at 10 well almost 11 months old.  I am so proud of her, yeah Ava!! 

In other news school is going great.  The children in my room are wonderful and adjusting to the routine very well.  Conferences are coming up very soon and I am looking forward to some days off to spend with Ava.  Bert and I have been very busy lately so I have not had alot of time to update.  We have something to do every weekend in October, and I'm not just talking about a Saturday or Sunday.  We are booked Friday Saturday and Sunday every weekend! Yikes!


















  1. Yay, Ava! I need a video, Ann! :-) I love baby steps.


  2. I have been waiting for this post all week.  Kelly's right.  You need some footage.

  3. Are you going to the art fair tomorrow?
